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Stop Subdivision Evasion

Our government should follow their own laws!

Over 50%!

of lots created in recent years in Ravalli County claim to be exempt from subdivision review


source--public records request to the Ravalli County Planning Department on Family Transfer subdivision vs. regular subdivision applications



Dollars paid in pro rata fees for a subdivision illegally claiming to be exempt



Dollars Montana counties are losing out on, while we taxpayers get to make up the difference!


Just one comparison example: The 12 lot (10 acre average lot size) Sapphire Heights subdivision agreed to pay over $15,000 per lot equating to over $125,000 that the adjacent similar Rolling Rock Ranch Estates "family transfer" evasion subdivision didn't have to pay!  Multiply this by hundreds of subdivision evasions and the numbers get big.

Current Projects

Sapphire Coalition is currently the plaintiff in a  lawsuit against Ravalli County Planning Department and Ravalli County Attorney's Office over a developers' 80 acre  8 lot subdivision that tried to use the family transfer exemption to evade subdivision review.  In doing so, neighbors of the subdivision were not given the opportunity to express any of their own concerns.  They received NO DUE PROCESS!  We are NOT AGAINST legitimate family transfers. We are opposed to using them to evade subdivision review; effectively stealing taxpayers' money! 

Other Projects

While stopping the Sapphire Heights major subdivision members of the Sapphire Coalition also exposed how developers and their consultants can manipulate and even falsify data to make it suggest something entirely different, especially if they know that both the state DEQ and county governments are too busy to check closely.   Out of this, multiple members testified in Helena before the Governor's Environmental Quality Council  on our experience with this problem. We also questioned who has authority over Arsenic in the drinking water (as this is another problem in the area of these subdivisions).   Our testimony, was appreciated and well received, with numerous questions asked.  We also received a follow up meeting with the DEQ at a later date, where they educated us about their protocols and we gave them our concerns as well.



It's pretty simple really.  We want to conserve natural resources so that the next generation(s) will at least have some of the same opportunities that our generation(s) have had!

You can help.  Together we will make a difference!

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